Master Key Plus

Advanced Options

Number Order

This feature lets the user specify the sequence numbers are varied in each cylinder position. The computer will determine the default ordering of numbers, and allow this sequence to be changed. This option is available when you press the F2 function key when you are in the system generation information page.

For Example:
A: 21593
The original number order sequence is determined by the master!
SF: 2 MK: 1 CK:8 MACS: 7
V/H ---12
Standard OrderNew Order
67757 05337
89979 63755
Std. OrderNew Order using same V/H ---12
A1: 21511 21579
A2: 2153121519 (*) Would not Display MACS>7
A3: 2155121539
A4: 2157121559
A5: 2151521571 etc...

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