Master Key Plus

Generation Statistics

Example System
Manufacturer: Arrow
Number Of Levels: 4
Information displayed on main screen after generation
Per Level
Change Keys
Per MK
GGMK: 111 1
GMK: 224 4
MK: 484 16
CK: 10801664256
Explanation of Terms
Entered Requirements:
The generation constraints that the designer enters for generating the master key system.
Key Totals Per Level:
The total of all keys on a single level in the master key system - horizontally.
Possible Expansion Per Level:
A measure of the remaining expansion available for the entered requirements. This gives the designer information regarding how much more could be asked for when entering design parameters. This does not give information defining how large a given system could be. Basically, if you entered 2 on a specific level, as above, you could have asked for 4, since that is what is actually used during generation. The same number of cylinder positions would be used in either case. If you asked for more than 4, it would have used more cylinder spaces. The best way to understand this is to try it, and see what the difference is.
Possible Change Keys per Level:
Given the parameters entered at design generation time this value shows the maximum number of change keys that could be generated. This value may be based on either the rotating constant method, or the standard method.
Actual Generation Totals:
The actual number of keys on a single level that the computer generates when attempting to meet the demands set forth at design time. This value may be greater than what might be expected because the program will maximize the constraints per level in an attempt to generate enough higher-level masters that meet all constraints. (i.e. Mainly M.A.C.S.)
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