Search Tips
The default search mode in all search screens will match any words supplied.
e.g.. if you search for: Toyota Camry 1997 in the Magazine Cross Reference database, you will receive a large number of responses. This is because the search option is defaulted to Some of the words. If you had selected All of the words then the resulting responses will contain only references that contain the above search example. The search words DO NOT have to appear in the exact order.
If you select Starts With, and search for Toyota then you will only receive responses that have articles beginning with Toyota. This is similar to clicking on the Alpha-bar letter T, but clicking on the T will return articles that start with the letter T.
Other hints & tips:
try searching for the singular word, instead of the plural: safe instead of safes
try searching for HES, instead of H.E.S., or Hanchett, or try all three!
try searching for HHM, or Herring-Hall-Marvin, or just Hall, or Marvin.